Whenever I post on our private blog, I will post on this blog with the title of the post so you all can see when we update. There will be a link IN the post as well as in the right hand column that will connect you directly to our private blog. Perfect solution right? We can keep our blog private, but you can still see when we update!

Another great benefit to this "pre-blog" thing is that if you have just found our blog and want to be added, you can go ahead and add a comment with your e-mail address and request to be added. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Announcing...HBM's Merger with Eide Bailly

Some big changes are coming our way where David's job is concerned... He "guest posted" about it HERE.

1 comment:

Marianne and Gary said...

Knock Knock! Can we be invited in?? - we'd love to keep track of you guys! love ~ marianne & gary